Friday 26 January 2018

The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (PS3)

Skyrim was released in 2011 and developed by Bethesda. It's the fifth game in the Elder Scrolls series, and like everybody else, I'm waiting for Elder Scrolls 6!

This review is gonna be a little different, everyone has played Skyrim and everyone knows how good it is. I think it's a brilliant game, but it has problems. It feels wrong to shit talk Skyrim, but that's what I'm gonna do because everyone likes this game. This is why Skyrim isn't a 10/10 like most scores it gets.

For a game that came out at the very end of 2011, it's ugly. The characters look bad, the Khajit's, Orcs and the other races look pretty good, but the Nord's look like they came out of the previous generation. The texturing is pretty poor too, sure the game is huge and it's impossible to make everything look good, but still could be better. The dungeons are the same. There's like four variations of dungeons, you have to go through a lot during the game, do you really wanna go through the same place over and over? Repetition sucks.

Bugs. Name a buggier game than Skyrim.... I'm not sure there is one. I've had to restart my game from earlier saves numerous times from game breaking bugs. The worst thing that can happen in gaming is a game breaking glitch, if you can't start from an earlier save, you're fucked. Getting stuck in the geometry countless times is infuriating. Characters and followers randomly dying and disappearing.

A game that has so many characters, and yet you hear the same voice actor over and over, takes all the realism out when most people sound the same. The dull and repetitive quests, restoring the Thieves Guild having do twenty small jobs where there's only three different kinds is the most boring part of the game and no fun. Difficulty doesn't seem to matter, even if you dumb it down to the easiest difficulty, you will still find yourself getting your ass kicked.

After all that, it's still a fantastic game. There's so much variety and so much to do. You can play this game for hundreds of hours and feel like there's still so much to do. This is a great game, with a tonne of problems. Enough of the remasters and ports, give us Elder Scrolls 6 already.


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