Saturday 20 January 2018

For Honor (Xbox One)

For Honor released early 2017 and was developed by Ubi$oft. It's a multiplayer based fighting game, between Vikings, Knights and Samurais. There's a campaign, clearly little effort went into it, but I thought this was worth a try, especially over a free weekend.

It has a very unique combat system, it's pretty challenging to get used to, I thought I'd be terrible up against other players, but if you have a small amount of practice anyone can get used to it. You have to change direction of your attack and block using the right stick, if your opponent has the same direction, they'll parry you. It's a good system and can be quite fun, the online fights are intense as fuck.

All the work went in to the multiplayer, but that's not enough to sell a game, hence why I've never bought it. I had a lot of fun online, I soon got tired of it, but it's worth playing for sure. There's a bunch of modes; Dominion - 4v4 and capturing three points, Brawl - 2v2 elimination match, Duel - 1v1 and Elimination which is 4v4. The problem is very few have 'honor' playing online, you'll be fighting one v one, and then some other guy comes charging in and putting mashing against you while you're already fighting another. Some people just run away when they're close to death and you have to give chase, people can be incredibly frustrating to play against. When you get people who actually learn the combat and play the game correctly, it's great. If you're outnumbered, it's not always a bad thing (unless one is button mashing) it's amazing blocking two enemies and then getting the better of them.

After every match, you can deploy assets in territories held by other factions, BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK. I've never understood why shit like this exists in games, does anyone really care if their chosen faction holds the most territories? FUCK NO. You can play any faction anytime while playing online, and they each have a number of heroes you can choose to play as. You can edit their look, perks and finishing moves.

Aesthetically this game is beautiful, the Knights, Vikings and Samurai all look amazing. The movement is some of the best I've seen, the way the characters run, the weapon swinging, perfect. The battles look fantastic too, just looking off into the distance and seeing all these warriors going at it, you really felt apart of it. The castles and temples all looked great too, you just wanted to explore and admire the scenery.

The story SUCKS. There's three campaigns and six missions in each. The story revolves around The Blackstone Legion, a group filled with members of each faction. Other than that, I have no idea what really happened in the story. It did an awful job at informing you of what was happening and who you were. You just seemed to be bouncing around and changing characters during the campaigns. I don't know a single name of anyone I played through the campaign. There was a level system for the story only for some reason, you only got experience points towards it if you got the last hit. You could do all the work and then an AI runs in a gets the last hit, all they do is get in the way.

The story was so poor and unengaging. I'm certain every character you played as had the exact same voice actor, and the Samurai's had American accents.... So little effort. You walk around doing pointless tasks and it was only ever appealing when doing the boss fights. They attempted humour quite often, and it fell flat every single time, it was cringey and I hated all the characters anyway, they failed to make me like anyone. The worst part is the annoying Viking who constantly screams "RAIDER", it's terrible acting and just laughable how bad it is. Just don't bother with it, it's so clear they rushed I because it's a multiplayer focused game they never cared about it. It's only there so they can say they made one unlike the original Titanfall and Star Wars Battlefront.

A lot of people only play multiplayer these days, if you're one of those gamers, you'll have no reason not to give this a go, the multiplayer is pretty good, I got bored pretty quickly because I don't play multiplayer a lot nowadays. As a story game I was so disappointed. They so clearly did not try, it's shameful. Ubisoft dropped the ball here, doesn't matter though does it? Their failures always get rewarded with sequels.


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