Friday, 24 November 2017

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Xbox One)

Brothers released in 2013 and was ported to the Xbox One two years later. It featured in the Xbox Game Pass, and seeing as I liked it back on the 360 I thought I'd play it again on my free trial.

The story features two boys, Big Brother and Little Brother. Together they work as a team on their adventure as they try to get medicine for their ill father. There is no dialogue, the characters speak in the own language and there's no translation for us.

There is a unique gameplay mechanic, each thumb stick controls each brother, so you can move them at the same time. As well as the sticks, the left and right bumper works for each corresponding brother. It works surprisingly well, it takes a little time to get used to but it works so well.

I won't spoil too much of the story, but you're taken to so many beautiful places on your adventure. You meant so many fascinating characters, giant birds, trolls, turtles and many more.

The game looks friendly but it has lots of dark themes, kidnapping, suicide, betrayal, death, it can get really heavy at times. It's a wonderfully told story, but has extreme levels of emotion. It's a story you'll remember long after you've played it.

The mechanics, the story, the graphics, the emotion, the power, you'll remember it all. The best way to describe this game is memorable. I'll never forget it and how good it is. The problem is that it's so short, literally two hours long which is a big shame. The length allowed the developers to really polish the game, but two hours is always too short for a game.

There are great puzzles to be solved and really well made, there's a great way to climb a tower were you're tied together and you swing from each other to manoeuvre. There's plenty of interactions when you meet people, and they're always worth talking to. The only problem I ran into while playing, was when I died I got stuck in an infinite load screen, and my progress never autosaved despite it saying it did. I never faced that problem again, but I decided to play the whole game in one sitting to be safe.

This is worth playing for anyone who hasn't already, I've played it twice now and both times it was brilliant. Give it a try.


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