Tuesday 5 December 2017

Battlefield Hardline (Xbox One)

Battlefield Hardline released in 2015, it's overall theme is cops and robbers, and for an online multiplayer, it's got great potential!

So, the reason everyone plays Battlefield... Campaign! I'm not gonna got into the plot much. Did you see that old cop movie? The one where the good cop gets framed because he isn't a dirty cop, so after his prison stint he decides to get revenge and bring down the corruption? There's hundreds of them, and thanks to Hardline, there's more! Cliché story equals bland.

The graphics are ok, the facial detail looks great, but the faces on the bodies looks awful. It just doesn't look good at all. Some of the characters are likeable and the voice acting well done, but most other characters are one dimensional and you've seen a thousand times in movies. The angle of being a cop is awesome, and surprisingly it's not something video games do much. Cop chases and arresting is cool, although cuffing criminals gets repetitive eventually.

The stealth is ok, it works most of the time but it's very finicky. You can get stun guns too for the cop approach. You can use a scanner to search for evidence and complete side tasks, but the scanner sucked, it was very poor at detecting objects and was always a chore to use. For some reason there are out of bound zones in the story just like the multiplayer. Instead of letting you walk out the map, use invisible walls like most games. I'd rather that than get stuck out the map and then killed by leaving the area. The missions can really drag, although some are fun. The humour is so flat, but credit for trying, it didn't take itself too seriously.

So the real reason people play Battlefield, the multiplayer! So there's new modes for the cops and robbers theme; Heists is easily the best mode and it's ridiculously fun. The robbers must break into vaults, while the cops defend the areas. Blood Money has players pick up money and take it to their areas, most money wins, you can also steal money from their area and players. Hotwire has players find cars and drive them around while you rack up points, the longer you drive the more points. It's practically vehicle combat and really fun when you have a small army in your vehicle. Other times it can be boring, all players can be just driving around with no gun battles at all. The other two modes were completely dead and I couldn't get in a match.

This game really just feels like an expansion. After playing this, I feel terrible for everyone who paid full price. The story isn't worth playing and although the multiplayer is fun, only Heists is worth doing. Take out Heists and put it in the next Battlefield, don't make a full game around one mode! 

I got this game dirt cheap and all the DLC for free, that was definitely worth it, but when I remember this was a full price game and a season pass, it's criminal. Get to fuck EA, and remember you wouldn't be where you are without us gamers. Don't fuck us over.


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