Monday 28 August 2017

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor: Lord of the Hunt DLC (Xbox One)

I loved Shadow of Mordor, so much that I saved the DLC's for about two years so I had more to play. Lord of the Hunt once again stars Talion, and brings back out dwarven friend, Torvin. They must fight against the beastmaster warchiefs and prove they themselves can tame the new breeds of creatures.

There are new variations of creatures we've seen before. Caragarth's are stealthy Caragors, a wretched Graug can use a toxic bile to hurt enemies and you can use a horde of Ghuls to attack your foes. Graug's can also grab enemies and eat them to restore health and they can even insta kill some captains, saving you a fight.

There are new missions and side missions. The story is pretty short and not many of the missions are that memorable. There's also new warchiefs and captains.

You can tame and ride wretched Graugs and you feel pretty empowered, although they can die quick if you're not eating your enemies. There is also a warchief who rides a Graug, luckily for us, are tamed horde of Ghuls can attack them. Another problem, a warchief has his own Ghuls army, so it's a pretty even sided content and shows the enemies are just as powerful as you.

DLC is very often a let down, it's by far not a poor piece of DLC, but I don't think it's on the same level as the original game. The new tameable beasts are easily the high point here.


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