Monday 31 July 2017

Watch Dogs: Bad Blood DLC (Xbox One)

The single-player DLC for Watch Dogs brings back one of the very few interesting characters; T-Bone. He was so much better than Aiden Pierce right? It makes you think why didn't they just make T-Bone the playable character in the original game?

The story revolves around T-Bone's on going crusade with Blume and is set after the events of Watch Dogs. Frewer returns, that homeless merchant Aiden met, he's much more interesting here and is an interesting friend of T-Bone's.

The main story spans three acts, it's quite short, but it's a good length. There's a ton of side missions, some you're able to do in coop which makes it way more fun. Unfortunately you can't do them all with a buddy and they do start to repeat.

The story is enjoyable and the chemistry between T-Bone and Frewer is intriguing. There are a bunch of fun missions and the RC car is introduced, you're able to drive around a small car to scout out enemies and it can even stun them too. A cool way to dispatch of enemies was to lure them into a room and then lock the door, it was new and funny, but you could only do it in the first mission which was disappointing.

There was a small dose of Aiden, which is the best kind of Aiden! There is another new character I hated though; Sheila. She was just so random, she was a detective that was someone in contact with T-Bone giving him missions and talking to him like they were really close. It was so hard to believe giving how cautious TB was in the original game, he even tells her his first name. He was a hacker who accidentally killed people and went into hiding, and he's telling a cop his name... Every missions you start, even side missions they have a phone call, even though most times she just says something like "go capture that guy for me", it was so pointless and there was one EVERY TIME. She even gives him a nickname and calls him 'mystery man', I hate it!

The DLC is so much better than the original game though, I enjoyed playing as TB way more and I liked Frewer too. I was skeptical after the first game, but I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel, but I'm still wary.


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