Monday 12 June 2017

Alan Wake: The Signal DLC (Xbox 360)

The first piece of DLC for Alan Wake continues right after the story, Alan is trapped in The Dark Place himself and needs help from Thomas Zane, a fellow inhabitants of the Dark Place.

Alan is tasked with following the signal that can help lead him out and back to normal life with his wife. Alan finds out he is trapped in his own head and must break free from himself.

It's a relatively short piece of content, but it is around the length of one of the shorter episodes from the original game. It also brings a feature that appeared at the end of the game, were you shine your light on floating words and once burnt, that object appears. It's a unique way of deploying ammo among other things. You also have to be careful you don't spawn a flock of killer birds or the Taken themselves.

Barry is back, but it's not the really Barry. He appears as a ghost-like version of himself and is sort of a guide. He continues his funny dialogue with Alan and gives some of the better moments of the story.

Some of the new areas are a welcome edition too, the furnace room is a fantastic new way of dispatching enemies as they walk past one of the many furnaces that blow once you shine your torch at it. The lantern area is a creepy and stunning location to look at, also a hazard for the Taken, as each step could be hit by a beam of light at any moment and cause them to blow. Even though it's filled with light, you are far from safe, so be vigilant.

It was short and the next DLC carries it over, but in my eyes, they really should have merged both DLCs into one. Oh, silly me! That would mean they'd make less money, how silly of me to expect Micro$oft to save their customer some money! That end boss battle was far too easy and there's an achievement for completing it in less than a minute and a half, it's easily doable too. I did really enjoy the extra story content that gave us a very open ending. With one more chapter to play, we may indeed close this book.


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