Thursday 25 May 2017

Uncharted 4 (PS4)

“Nathan Drake: That two-bit thief. Risking it all for some piece of treasure. I guess that’s how they know me, how they’ll remember me…..but that’s not who I am.”

May 2016, the month the last Uncharted game released... for now. The first Uncharted on the PlayStation 4, and a continuation in to Nathan Drake's story, possibly, for the final time. The now retired treasure hunter may have to come out retirement to save his older brother, Sam, by finding the treasure of Captain Avery. Of course, they're not the only ones searching for the treasure. Rafe, an old "friend" of Nate and Sam, who they originally planned to find the treasure with. Along with Rafe, is the leader of the Shoreline mercenary group, Nadine. Returns for the brilliant Sully and Elena also appear.

Amazing graphics. The people and lip syncing 10/10, the expressions and facial detail is off the charts and the stunning and gorgeous visuals. The voice acting and chemistry between all the characters is again, brilliant. The exposition and optional conversations are a joy to listen to, and getting Troy Baker into the mix was an excellent decision. Of course, no one outshines Nolan North as Nathan Drake.

The weren't a lot of new features, already the optional conversations that follow the same path as the ones from The Last of Us. Other new collectables include journal entries, where you'll actually see Drake document in his journal (which you'll get to look in when you desire). The rope was heavily used as well as the new sliding mechanic. The rope would let you swing across gaps and climb up/down to traverse. Sliding would let you descend down areas quickly and would often result in your death if you didn't jump over gaps or slide away from obstacles. Double time takedowns appear rarely, but are cool to watch, driving is new and it's quite enjoyable, especially with the fantastic sights. Drake now aims his arms when you're platforming, so you know exactly where he's going to jump to. My favourite new feature, one on one boss fights. I love them, a great way to give you an intense fight, especially when one of them is a sword fight. En garde!

We've been given little back story to Nate's past, but seeing as he had a brother out of know where, we needed some. We get to play as a young Nate on an adventure with his brother and we see him turn from a boy, into the great Nathan Drake. We're also treated to a trip down memory lane in an early chapter, in Nate's attic we can browse all sorts of trinkets and memorabilia across the previous three games. There's even a part where Nate practices his shooting with a toy gun. A lot of praise to Naughty Dog for adding a Crash Bandicoot easter egg where Nate actually plays the original game.

Stealth has been added to and implemented a lot more, there are now alert bars, so you know when you're in the clear and there is a lot of tall grass for you to manouver through. The stealth has been improved immensely. Another handy feature is the grapplehook, swing across big gaps, but it looks awkward the way it retracts. You can also use a winch on your car to help you. Kill shots appear red, giving you an indicator on when you're wiping out enemies. When the secondary characters are talking and you're all in the car together, if you leave, they react and when you return, they carry on the conversation from where they left off. It's great that they put that much detail in. Sometimes your friend will tell you where enemies are or if you've lost them, you can use the D-pad to find them.

Rafe is by far the best villain across the whole series, he's made better with the boss fight with Nate. Some of the best puzzles and action scenes. There's even a prison breakout. The hard difficulty can be really challenging at parts, but others just felt like grenade spamming feeling cheap. With the title of the game, there was so much speculation of how it would end. I was terrified of some of the possibilities, I obviously won't spoil, but if they do choose to continue Uncharted, there are so many different directions they could take after the way this one ends.

Uncharted is easily one of the best game series of all time and Nathan Drake is one of the best protagonist ever made. Simple as that. Goodbye Nate, it's been an absolute pleasure.

*Uncharted theme plays*


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