Sunday 4 December 2016

Sniper Ghost Warrior (Xbox 360)

Sniper Ghost Warrior released in 2010 and is pretty much a bargain bin title. For a VERY cheap price this game can be fun. I got this game cheap, but I still thought it was garbage. How this game has two sequels is crazy, maybe they're better, but stick with Sniper Elite in the sniping genre.

There are only five acts and they're so boring. Even though sniper is in the title, you play as man with machine guns at times. Your playable character swaps out with another guy, but I didn't realise I was playing as someone else for a while after. There sniping was fun, but it was too easy, same with the silenced pistol. It was a one shot kill even on the hardest difficulty, but you could play stealthily with the silencers. The story was boring and I never cared about the characters, or even remember their names.

The crouch movement was ridiculously slow, little things on the floor were a nightmare to walk over, little rocks would stop you and you'd have to go around. When I was on top of a building I had to snipe machine gun enemies, somehow they were more accurate than me and I had to keep hiding away. The checkpoints were awful and often loaded me in front of enemies, terrible graphics, uninspired voice acting and it was just so boring. There was a multiplayer that simply shouldn't exist.

Some good, but very little here. Enemies appeared as red arrows on your map, so you always knew where they were, but they stayed on your mini map until they were dead, so you could be long gone from that area and they still show. There's bullet cams which are always cool to watch and there's concentration mode which slows down time to help you shoot better. You get a tonne of sniper ammo so you don't need to stealthily scrounge for some.

Do you want to know how bad this game is? When you climb a ladder, your gun is still pointed, you literally walk up the ladders like they're stairs. You can walk right past an enemy and they won't spot you, but they'll see you across a bridge. Sometimes aiming right at an enemy wouldn't kill them, but if you didn't change your aim and kept shooting,  eventually they would die. On easy difficulty, the machine had no recoil, on hard the machine had no control and would be aiming at the sky so fast after shooting. What kind of game changes the gun play depending on difficultly? If you can, play through the whole game and just watch the awful ending cutscene. Four guys all walking together with explosions going off in the background in slow motion, they look like jackasses and this is how it ends. It's actually laughable.

I seriously don't know how there are more in this series, I'm really intrigued to try them and see if they improve. I wouldn't waste your time on this one, but you have to see the last mission and cutscene, YouTube it at least. Sniper Garbage Warrior.


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