Thursday 13 October 2016

Red Faction Guerrilla: Demons of the Badlands DLC (Xbox 360)

Welcome to my first downloadable content review, these are gonna be rated out of 5, as DLC isn't always as interesting or enjoyable as full released games, so they're harder to critique on the same level.

Demons of the Badlands is the only main DLC pack for Red Faction Guerrilla. It's sort of a prequel to the main game. You play as Sam from the main game, she said in the campaign she was a Marauder, so that's what the DLC is. Sam as a Marauder looks kind of odd, her hairs now reddish and her outfit looks ridiculous. Mariner Valley is the new area of the game and is a Marauder territory that's been infested by the EDF.

There's new vehicles and weapons, some of the weapons aren't really worth using but there are some cool new ones, the vehicles are unique and cool to drive, they're better than the Marauder vehicles that featured in the original game. There's new demolitions and transporter missions, some of these are really cool, they're more unique and can be really challenging. That's probably the best thing about this content, but they're just optional side missions you'll only do for the 100% completion

You're thrown straight into the DLC with no introduction. If I hadn't just played the main game right before I started it, I probably wouldn't even realise the main character was in the original game. Sam being able to take on the EDF made no sense, she can take the fight to them as a Marauder, but in the main game as a Red Faction member she don't do shit but hide at the safehouses. That's why they should've made a new playable character and give them a back story, other than just playing as someone we know. There's only three main missions and they're not great, that being said, they weren't great either in the main game. But only three story missions for a pricey DLC, just not worth it.

This DLC honestly just shouldn't exist, it's pointless. It doesn't add anything to the story and just makes you question why Sam wasn't around more in the story or why the Marauders didn't help the Red Faction in taking out the EDF. There's nothing to justify buying this, so save your currency for something worthwhile.


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