Friday 13 May 2016

Portal 2 (Xbox 360)

After hearing so many good things about Portal 2 and seeing the game highly rated on every review site, I decided to finally get down to it. I played the first Portal thanks to The Orange Box, so I knew about the game already.

The game is a unique puzzler and using the Portal gun is incredibly fun. You shoot a blue and orange portal that act as doorways, enter one and come out the other. The game doesn't sound too exciting but you may be surprised. The game follows the first one, some time after and paves the way for an exciting story of betrayal and the help of an old 'friend'. Despite playing as a silent protagonist, the characters in this game are fantastic and this is one of the funniest games I've ever played. A brilliant performance by Stephen Merchant who plays Wheatley, who helps you attempt to escape the Aperture Science facility. Even J.K Simmons voices a character, a character who isn't interested in pictures of Spider-Man believe it or not!

The game has everything, an excellent story, humorous and fantastically voiced characters, fun game mechanics and a brilliant co-op mode. I was very surprised to see the second one become a full release game, as it didn't seem like there was much to expand into. Well, I was wrong. The first game was kinda cool, a unique puzzle game with a hilarious villian called GLaDOS. I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did and I never expected it to get a sequel, nor did I anticipate the high praise either. I mean, this game is technically you being put in a chamber and trying to figure out how to get to the exit but at the same time, it's so much more than that. The game is just fantastic and when you play it you will understand why.

I won't say much more about the plot of the story other than it's definitely worth playing through. The game looks great, you can tell that they designed the place to look like a real high-tech science facility. The test chambers are well designed and some of the puzzles really make you think about how you get through it. There's nothing better in a game than feeling like you've achieved something and this game does that when you figure out the chambers. You feel like a genius and even a 'badass' when you complete a test at times. Or maybe that's just me. The co-op is so fun, this game flourishes in co-op mode as well. It's one of the most fun games I've played with a partner and if you have a friend to play it with, then make sure you do. Some puzzles can be difficult to figure out but as the saying goes, 'two heads are better than one'.

If you had two heads, then you'd know this game was worth playing.


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